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loadfdos.c - subroutine of loadfile.c (read_overlay) which sets
up video (mode, screen size).
This module is linked as an overlay, should only be called from loadfile.c
This code was split to a separate module to isolate the DOS only aspects
of loading an image. get_video_mode should return with:
return code 0 for ok, -1 for error or cancelled by user
video parameters setup for the mainline, in the dos case this means
setting initmode to video mode, based on this fractint.c will set up
for and call setvideomode
set viewwindow on if file going to be loaded into a view smaller than
physical screen, in this case also set viewreduction, viewxdots,
viewydots, and finalaspectratio
set skipxdots and skipydots, to 0 if all pixels are to be loaded,
to 1 for every 2nd pixel, 2 for every 3rd, etc
In WinFract, at least initially, get_video_mode can do just the
set overall image x & y dimensions (sxdots and sydots) to filexdots
and fileydots (note that filecolors is the number of colors in the
gif, not sure if that is of any use...)
if current window smaller than new sxdots and sydots, use scroll bars,
if larger perhaps reduce the window size? whatever
set viewwindow to 0 (no need? it always is for now in windows vsn?)
set finalaspectratio to .75 (ditto?)
set skipxdots and skipydots to 0
return 0
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "fractint.h"
#include "helpdefs.h"
#include "prototyp.h"
/* routines in this module */
static int vidcompare(VOIDCONSTPTR ,VOIDCONSTPTR );
static void format_vid_inf(int i,char *err,char *buf);
static double vid_aspect(int tryxdots,int tryydots);
static void format_item(int,char *);
static int check_modekey(int,int);
extern int initmode; /* initial video mode */
extern int askvideo;
extern int initbatch; /* 1 if batch run (no kbd) */
extern int fractype; /* fractal type */
extern int viewwindow; /* 0 for full screen, 1 for window */
extern float viewreduction; /* window auto-sizing */
extern float finalaspectratio; /* for view shape and rotation */
extern int viewxdots,viewydots; /* explicit view sizing */
extern int fileydots, filexdots, filecolors;
extern float fileaspectratio;
extern int skipxdots,skipydots; /* for decoder, when reducing image */
extern char readname[]; /* name of fractal input file */
extern int save_system,save_release;
extern int display3d; /* 3D display flag: 0 = OFF */
extern struct videoinfo far videotable[];
extern struct videoinfo far *vidtbl;
extern int vidtbllen;
struct vidinf {
int entnum; /* videoentry subscript */
unsigned flags; /* flags for sort's compare, defined below */
/* defines for flags; done this way instead of bit union to ensure ordering;
these bits represent the sort sequence for video mode list */
#define VI_EXACT 0x8000 /* unless the one and only exact match */
#define VI_NOKEY 512 /* if no function key assigned */
#define VI_DISK1 256 /* disk video and size not exact */
#define VI_SSMALL 128 /* screen smaller than file's screen */
#define VI_SBIG 64 /* screen bigger than file's screen */
#define VI_VSMALL 32 /* screen smaller than file's view */
#define VI_VBIG 16 /* screen bigger than file's view */
#define VI_CSMALL 8 /* mode has too few colors */
#define VI_CBIG 4 /* mode has excess colors */
#define VI_DISK2 2 /* disk video */
#define VI_ASPECT 1 /* aspect ratio bad */
static int vidcompare(VOIDCONSTPTR p1,VOIDCONSTPTR p2)
struct vidinf *ptr1,*ptr2;
ptr1 = (struct vidinf *)p1;
ptr2 = (struct vidinf *)p2;
if (ptr1->flags < ptr2->flags) return(-1);
if (ptr1->flags > ptr2->flags) return(1);
if (vidtbl[ptr1->entnum].keynum < vidtbl[ptr2->entnum].keynum) return(-1);
if (vidtbl[ptr1->entnum].keynum > vidtbl[ptr2->entnum].keynum) return(1);
if (ptr1->entnum < ptr2->entnum) return(-1);
static void format_vid_inf(int i,char *err,char *buf)
char kname[5];
far_memcpy((char far *)&videoentry,(char far *)&vidtbl[i],
sprintf(buf,"%-5s %-25s %-4s %4d %4d %3d %-25s", /* 76 chars */
kname, videoentry.name, err,
videoentry.xdots, videoentry.ydots,
videoentry.colors, videoentry.comment);
videoentry.xdots = 0; /* so tab_display knows to display nothing */
static double vid_aspect(int tryxdots,int tryydots)
{ /* calc resulting aspect ratio for specified dots in current mode */
return (double)tryydots / (double)tryxdots
* (double)videoentry.xdots / (double)videoentry.ydots
static struct vidinf *vidptr;
int get_video_mode(struct fractal_info *info)
struct vidinf vid[MAXVIDEOMODES];
int i,j;
int gotrealmode;
double ftemp,ftemp2;
unsigned tmpflags;
int tmpxdots,tmpydots;
float tmpreduce;
char *nameptr;
int *attributes;
extern char temp1[256];
extern char dstack[]; /* for heading, avoid a 320 byte variable here */
/* also, for attributes array, saves 600 */
/* both above necessary to avoid stack problems */
int oldhelpmode;
struct videoinfo far *vident;
initmode = -1;
load_fractint_cfg(0); /* get fractint.cfg into *vidtbl (== extraseg) */
/* try to find exact match for vid mode */
for (i = 0; i < vidtbllen; ++i) {
vident = &vidtbl[i];
if (info->xdots == vident->xdots && info->ydots == vident->ydots
&& filecolors == vident->colors
&& info->videomodeax == vident->videomodeax
&& info->videomodebx == vident->videomodebx
&& info->videomodecx == vident->videomodecx
&& info->videomodedx == vident->videomodedx
&& info->dotmode%100 == vident->dotmode%100) {
initmode = i;
if (initmode == -1) /* try to find very good match for vid mode */
for (i = 0; i < vidtbllen; ++i) {
vident = &vidtbl[i];
if (info->xdots == vident->xdots && info->ydots == vident->ydots
&& filecolors == vident->colors) {
initmode = i;
/* setup table entry for each vid mode, flagged for how well it matches */
for (i = 0; i < vidtbllen; ++i) {
far_memcpy((char far *)&videoentry,(char far *)&vidtbl[i],
tmpflags = VI_EXACT;
if (videoentry.keynum == 0)
tmpflags |= VI_NOKEY;
if (info->xdots > videoentry.xdots || info->ydots > videoentry.ydots)
tmpflags |= VI_SSMALL;
else if (info->xdots < videoentry.xdots || info->ydots < videoentry.ydots)
tmpflags |= VI_SBIG;
if (filexdots > videoentry.xdots || fileydots > videoentry.ydots)
tmpflags |= VI_VSMALL;
else if (filexdots < videoentry.xdots || fileydots < videoentry.ydots)
tmpflags |= VI_VBIG;
if (filecolors > videoentry.colors)
tmpflags |= VI_CSMALL;
if (filecolors < videoentry.colors)
tmpflags |= VI_CBIG;
if (i == initmode)
tmpflags -= VI_EXACT;
if (videoentry.dotmode%100 == 11) {
tmpflags |= VI_DISK2;
if ((tmpflags & (VI_SBIG+VI_SSMALL+VI_VBIG+VI_VSMALL)) != 0)
tmpflags |= VI_DISK1;
if (fileaspectratio != 0 && videoentry.dotmode%100 != 11
&& (tmpflags & VI_VSMALL) == 0) {
ftemp = vid_aspect(filexdots,fileydots);
if ( ftemp < fileaspectratio * 0.98
|| ftemp > fileaspectratio * 1.02)
tmpflags |= VI_ASPECT;
vid[i].entnum = i;
vid[i].flags = tmpflags;
#ifndef XFRACT
gotrealmode = 0;
if (initmode < 0 || (askvideo && !initbatch)) {
/* no exact match or (askvideo=yes and batch=no), talk to user */
qsort(vid,vidtbllen,sizeof(vid[0]),vidcompare); /* sort modes */
attributes = (int *)&dstack[1000];
for (i = 0; i < vidtbllen; ++i)
attributes[i] = 1;
vidptr = &vid[0]; /* for format_item */
/* format heading */
if (info->info_id[0] == 'G')
strcpy(temp1," Non-fractal GIF");
else {
nameptr = curfractalspecific->name;
if (*nameptr == '*') ++nameptr;
if (display3d) nameptr = "3D Transform";
sprintf(temp1,"Type: %s",nameptr);
sprintf(dstack,"File: %-44s %d x %d x %d\n%-